Ahead of the Class 2005


Drama based on real-life events. Marie Stubbs (Dame Julie Walters), a diminutive Glaswegian headmistress who is coming up to retirement age, takes on one last challenge: to improve the fortunes of St. George's School in northwest ...

Tutti i titoli
  • UK: Ahead of the Class Ahead of the Class
  • CA: La principale La principale
  • FI: Kaaos koulussa Kaaos koulussa
  • FR: La principale La principale
  • HU: Az utolsó vizsga Az utolsó vizsga
  • PL: Ostatnie wyzwanie Ostatnie wyzwanie
  • RO: O scoala cu probleme O scoala cu probleme
  • UA: Ahead of the Class Ahead of the Class
Data di rilascio 30 Jan 2005
Link IMDb
