Bednye rodstvenniki 2005

Drama Comedy

The film takes place today in a small southern town on the territory of the former USSR. The main character, Edik Letov, helps people to look for relatives. He finds them in Canada, Israel, Switzerland - For Edik, this is business...

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Bednye rodstvenniki Bednye rodstvenniki
  • BG: Бедни роднини Бедни роднини
  • FR: Familles à vendre Familles à vendre
  • DE: Familie zu verkaufen Familie zu verkaufen
  • PL: Ubodzy krewni Ubodzy krewni
  • RU: Бедные родственники Бедные родственники
  • FR: Roots Roots
Data di rilascio 06 Oct 2005
Link IMDb
