Greek 2007

Comedy Drama

Freshman Rusty Cartwright arrives at college and decides he no longer wants to be the boring geek from high school. He decides to pledge a fraternity. He is offered 2 bids; one from his sister's boyfriend Evan's fraternity and one from Cappie, his sister's ex-boyfriend's fraternity. Rusty must learn to handle his new life, and his new relationship with his sister. His sister must decide if she ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Greek Greek
  • BG: Колежани Колежани
  • HR: Bratstva i sestrinstva Bratstva i sestrinstva
  • FI: Kampus Greek Kampus Greek
  • DE: Greek Greek
  • GR: Greek Greek
  • HU: Greek, a szövetség Greek, a szövetség
  • IT: Greek - La confraternita Greek - La confraternita
  • MX: Greek Greek
  • RU: Университет Университет
  • TR: Greek Greek
  • US: Greek Greek
Data di rilascio 09 Jul 2007
Link IMDb
